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On Tue, 24 Sept, 12:07 AM UTC
5 Sources
Telegram's Durov Announces New Crackdown On Illegal Content
Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov said Monday that the messaging platform had removed more "problematic content", weeks after his arrest in France on charges of failing to act against criminals using the app. Telegram's search feature "has been abused by people who violated our terms of service to sell illegal goods", Durov told the 13 million subscribers of his personal messaging channel. "Over the past few weeks" staff had combed through Telegram using artificial intelligence to ensure "all the problematic content we identified in Search is no longer accessible", he said. Durov added that the platform had updated its terms of service and privacy policy to make clear that it would share infringers' details with authorities -- including internet IP addresses and phone numbers -- "in response to valid legal requests". "We won't let bad actors jeopardise the integrity of our platform for almost a billion users," he said. Durov was arrested on August 24 as he arrived at Le Bourget airport outside Paris on a private jet. After days of questioning, he was charged with several counts of failing to curb extremist and terrorist content and released on a five-million-euro ($5.6 million) bail. During the investigation he must remain in France and report to police twice a week. Durov -- who holds Russian, French and United Arab Emirates passports -- initially criticised his arrest, but he has since announced steps appearing to bow to Paris's demands. On September 6, he said Telegram would alter its "people nearby" feature to present users with "legitimate businesses" rather than "bots and scammers". "This year we are committed to turn moderation on Telegram from an area of criticism into one of praise," he said at the time. Durov, an enigmatic figure who rarely speaks in public, has a fortune estimated at $15.5 billion by Forbes magazine, but touts the virtues of an ascetic life that includes ice baths and not drinking alcohol or coffee.
Telegram's Durov announces new crackdown on illegal content
Paris (AFP) - Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov said Monday that the messaging platform had removed more "problematic content", weeks after his arrest in France on charges of failing to act against criminals using the app. Telegram's search feature "has been abused by people who violated our terms of service to sell illegal goods", Durov told the 13 million subscribers of his personal messaging channel. "Over the past few weeks" staff had combed through Telegram using artificial intelligence to ensure "all the problematic content we identified in Search is no longer accessible", he said. Durov added that the platform had updated its terms of service and privacy policy to make clear that it would share infringers' details with authorities -- including internet IP addresses and phone numbers -- "in response to valid legal requests". "We won't let bad actors jeopardise the integrity of our platform for almost a billion users," he said. Durov was arrested on August 24 as he arrived at Le Bourget airport outside Paris on a private jet. After days of questioning, he was charged with several counts of failing to curb extremist and terrorist content and released on a five-million-euro ($5.6 million) bail. During the investigation he must remain in France and report to police twice a week. Durov -- who holds Russian, French and United Arab Emirates passports -- initially criticised his arrest, but he has since announced steps appearing to bow to Paris's demands. On September 6, he said Telegram would alter its "people nearby" feature to present users with "legitimate businesses" rather than "bots and scammers". "This year we are committed to turn moderation on Telegram from an area of criticism into one of praise," he said at the time. Durov, an enigmatic figure who rarely speaks in public, has a fortune estimated at $15.5 billion by Forbes magazine, but touts the virtues of an ascetic life that includes ice baths and not drinking alcohol or coffee.
Telegram's Pavel Durov announces new crackdown on illegal content after arrest
Platform with millions of subscribers discloses a more proactive approach to reporting infringers to authorities Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov said Monday that the messaging platform had removed more "problematic content" and would take a more proactive approach to complying with government requests. The announcement comes weeks after his arrest in France on charges of failing to act against criminals using the app. Telegram's search feature "has been abused by people who violated our terms of service to sell illegal goods", Durov told the 13 million subscribers of his personal messaging channel. "Over the past few weeks" staff had combed through Telegram using artificial intelligence to ensure "all the problematic content we identified in Search is no longer accessible", he said. Durov added that the platform had updated its terms of service and privacy policy to make clear that it would share infringers' details with authorities - including internet IP addresses and phone numbers - "in response to valid legal requests". "We won't let bad actors jeopardise the integrity of our platform for almost a billion users," he said. Durov was arrested on 24 August as he arrived at Le Bourget airport outside Paris on a private jet. After days of questioning, he was charged with several counts of failing to curb extremist and terrorist content and released on a €5m ($5.6m) bail. During the investigation he must remain in France and report to police twice a week. Durov - who holds Russian, French, United Arab Emirates, and St Kitts and Nevis passports - initially criticised his arrest, but he has since announced steps appearing to bow to Paris's demands. On 6 September, he said Telegram would alter its "people nearby" feature to present users with "legitimate businesses" rather than "bots and scammers". "This year we are committed to turn moderation on Telegram from an area of criticism into one of praise," he said at the time. Durov, an enigmatic figure who rarely speaks in public, has a fortune estimated at $15.5bn by Forbes magazine but touts the virtues of an ascetic life that includes ice baths and not drinking alcohol or coffee.
Telegram's Durov announces new crackdown on illegal content weeks after arrest
Paid parking in Dubai: Residents face up to Dh4,000 extra yearly costs when new rates kick in Telegram founder and chief executive Pavel Durov said Monday that the messaging platform had removed more "problematic content", weeks after his arrest in France on charges of failing to act against criminals using the app. Telegram's search feature "has been abused by people who violated our terms of service to sell illegal goods", Durov told the 13 million subscribers of his personal messaging channel. "Over the past few weeks" staff had combed through Telegram using artificial intelligence to ensure "all the problematic content we identified in Search is no longer accessible", he said. Durov added that the platform had updated its terms of service and privacy policy to make clear that it would share infringers' details with authorities -- including internet IP addresses and phone numbers -- "in response to valid legal requests". "We won't let bad actors jeopardise the integrity of our platform for almost a billion users," he said. Durov was arrested on August 24 as he arrived at Le Bourget airport outside Paris on a private jet. After days of questioning, he was charged with several counts of failing to curb extremist and terrorist content and released on a five-million-euro ($5.6 million) bail. During the investigation he must remain in France and report to police twice a week. Durov initially criticised his arrest, but he has since announced steps appearing to bow to Paris's demands.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov removes 'problematic content' after arrest in France - Times of India
Pavel Durov, the enigmatic founder and chief executive of Telegram, announced that the messaging platform had removed a significant amount of "problematic content" after facing legal pressure in France. The statement comes weeks after his high-profile arrest at Le Bourget airport near Paris, where he was charged for failing to curb illegal activity on the app. Durov, addressing his 13 million subscribers on his personal Telegram channel, admitted that the platform's search feature had been exploited by individuals selling illegal goods, violating the platform's terms of service. "Over the past few weeks, we've used artificial intelligence to thoroughly comb through Telegram and ensure all the problematic content we identified in Search is no longer accessible," Durov said. The announcement follows increasing scrutiny of Telegram's role in facilitating criminal activities, with critics claiming the platform failed to effectively moderate extremist content. In response, Durov pledged to strengthen Telegram's oversight, sharing that the company had updated its terms of service and privacy policy to cooperate with legal authorities. "We won't let bad actors jeopardize the integrity of our platform for almost a billion users," he emphasized. Durov, who holds Russian, French, and UAE citizenships, was arrested on August 24 and charged with failing to address extremist and terrorist content on Telegram. Although released on a €5 million ($5.6 million) bail, he must remain in France and report to authorities twice weekly during the investigation. While Durov initially criticized his arrest, he has since made key concessions to French authorities. Earlier this month, he announced updates to Telegram's "people nearby" feature, promising to connect users with legitimate businesses instead of scammers and bots. "This year, we are committed to turning moderation on Telegram from an area of criticism into one of praise," Durov declared. Durov, who is known for his low-profile lifestyle despite an estimated fortune of $15.5 billion, has built a reputation for promoting ascetic living, including ice baths and abstinence from alcohol and caffeine. His latest moves to strengthen Telegram's moderation reflect a shift in approach as the platform grapples with increasing regulatory pressure. At TOI World Desk, our dedicated team of seasoned journalists and passionate writers tirelessly sifts through the vast tapestry of global events to bring you the latest news and diverse perspectives round the clock. With an unwavering commitment to accuracy, depth, and timeliness, we strive to keep you informed about the ever-evolving world, delivering a nuanced understanding of international affairs to our readers. Join us on a journey across continents as we unravel the stories that shape our interconnected world.
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Pavel Durov, founder of Telegram, has announced a new initiative to combat illegal content on the platform. This move comes weeks after his arrest in France, sparking discussions about content moderation on messaging apps.
Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, has announced a significant crackdown on illegal content on the popular messaging platform. This decision comes in the wake of Durov's recent arrest in France, which has brought the issue of content moderation on messaging apps into sharp focus 1.
Durov was arrested in France on September 7, 2024, as part of an investigation into the dissemination of extremist content on Telegram 2. The arrest highlighted the growing pressure on tech companies to take responsibility for the content shared on their platforms, especially in light of concerns about the spread of terrorist propaganda and other illegal materials.
In response to these events, Durov has outlined a comprehensive plan to address the issue of illegal content on Telegram. The platform will be implementing new measures to detect and remove problematic material, including:
Telegram has long been known for its strong encryption and privacy features, which have made it popular among users seeking secure communication. However, these same features have also made it attractive to bad actors. Durov emphasized that the new measures would be implemented in a way that respects user privacy while addressing legitimate security concerns 4.
The move by Telegram is likely to have far-reaching consequences for the tech industry and online communication. Other messaging platforms may face increased pressure to adopt similar measures, potentially reshaping the landscape of online privacy and content moderation 5.
While Durov's announcement has been generally well-received, experts caution that implementing effective content moderation on encrypted platforms presents significant technical and ethical challenges. Striking the right balance between user privacy and public safety will be crucial for Telegram's success in this endeavor.
The tech industry has been closely watching Telegram's response to this crisis. Some industry leaders have praised Durov's proactive approach, while others express concerns about potential overreach in content moderation. The outcome of Telegram's efforts could set important precedents for how other platforms handle similar issues in the future.
Telegram, the popular messaging app, has made significant changes to its policy on private chat moderation following the arrest of its CEO, Pavel Durov. The update comes amid growing concerns over content moderation and legal compliance.
3 Sources
3 Sources
Pavel Durov, CEO of Telegram, faces legal challenges in France over the app's alleged criminal use and personal accusations. The case highlights growing tensions between tech platforms and law enforcement.
5 Sources
5 Sources
Telegram, the popular messaging app known for its privacy features, is set to update its privacy policy. The change will allow the company to disclose user data, including IP addresses and phone numbers, to authorities in criminal cases.
15 Sources
15 Sources
Telegram founder Pavel Durov breaks silence on his recent detention in France, expressing confusion and criticizing the country's approach to tech leaders.
2 Sources
2 Sources
Telegram intensifies its content moderation efforts using AI tools, blocking millions of illegal channels and groups in 2024, following the arrest of CEO Pavel Durov and increased scrutiny from global authorities.
2 Sources
2 Sources