



BladeRunner operates as a text analysis tool within your web browser, employing advanced techniques to scrutinize content you encounter online. By identifying the likelihood that a given passage is machine-generated, BladeRunner assists users in navigating the digital landscape with an informed perspective. This plugin can be easily installed and tested on various websites, offering live demonstrations of its capabilities. Its technical prowess is demonstrated by processing input text and providing users with highlighted output along with a confidence score indicating the probability of AI authorship.

How BladeRunner can help you:

  • Identifies and highlights AI-generated text on websites.
  • Provides a confidence score to assess AI text detection accuracy.
  • Aids in detecting spam, misinformation, and fake accounts.
  • Useful for academia in spotting AI-generated text in exams and assignments.
  • Assists e-commerce sites in identifying fake reviews and fraudulent messages.
  • Enables government agencies to detect misinformation and potential cyber threats.

Why choose BladeRunner: Key features

  • Real-time analysis and highlighting of suspicious text.
  • Easy installation with direct application on real websites.
  • Demonstrates its utility with live, interactive examples.
  • Equipped with advanced algorithms for precise detection.
  • Acts as a digital night vision, uncovering AI presence online.

Who should choose BladeRunner:

  • Social media managers and news organizations combating fake content.
  • Educators and academic institutions maintaining integrity in scholarly work.
  • E-commerce platforms aiming to preserve authentic customer feedback.
  • Governmental entities seeking to prevent misinformation and protect digital infrastructure.
  • Anyone interested in distinguishing between human and machine-generated content online.

About Bladerunner

Release Date

February 9, 2024



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