



BrandFort provides a comprehensive solution to safeguard your social media profiles from damaging content. Boasting a high accuracy rate in detecting unsuitable comments and supporting multiple platforms, BrandFort integrates easily with existing social media management tools like Hootsuite. Users benefit from peace of mind and time savings, ensuring their brand maintains its positive image and engagement without being tarnished by harmful content.

How BrandFort can help you:

  • Monitors and manages comments across social media channels.
  • Safeguards your brand reputation by eliminating unwanted content.
  • Allows for better community engagement by keeping conversations clean.
  • Saves time on manual comment moderation.
  • Provides a worry-free environment to focus on growth and community building.

Why choose BrandFort: Key Features

  • High accuracy of 96% in AI comment moderation.
  • Works with major social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram, and soon YouTube.
  • Seamless app integration with Hootsuite for convenient management.
  • Easy cancellation with no long-term contracts.
  • Certified secure payment processing through Stripe.
  • Offers both free and premium subscriptions to fit various needs.

Who should choose BrandFort:

  • E-commerce stores concerned with maintaining a positive online presence.
  • Social media managers and content creators regularly facing negative interactions.
  • Brands with large, engaged communities or those aiming to build such communities.
  • Start-ups and established businesses that prioritize brand protection on social media.

About Brandfort

Release Date

February 9, 2024



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