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Daft Art

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Daft Art is a premium AI album cover generator that allows you to create an amazing, high quality artwork for your album or track cover within a few minutes, with the help of curated aesthetics and a simple editor.

Daft Art ImageDaft Art Image

How Daft Art can help you: 

  • Generates high-quality album or track covers quickly. 
  • Provides curated aesthetics to match the vibe of your music. 
  • Offers a simple visual editor for customization. 
  • Ensures artwork is ready for upload to all distribution and streaming platforms. 

Why choose Daft Art: Key features 

  • AI-powered design process. 
  • Curated aesthetics for personalized artwork. 
  • High-resolution downloads (3000x3000px) with correct aspect ratio. 
  • Simple editor for adding album title, artist name, and styling. 

Who should choose Daft Art:

  • Music artists and producers seeking unique album covers. 
  • Creators looking for a quick and easy way to design their covers. 
  • Anyone who values aesthetic match and customization. 

About Daft Art

Release Date

March 2024


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