Carly Quellman, aka Carly Que, is a multimedia strategist and storyteller at the intersection of technology and the humanities, investigating how perspective can enhance, rather than overstimulate, the world. She can be found online and near the closest south-facing window in Los Angeles.
I'm the type of person who enjoys learning about the philosophy and meaning behind things, like astrology versus astronomy. But I'd also like to learn more about constellations and stars -- to learn where things exist at a moment in time -- based on where I am in the world.
I found Celestial Guide GPT, an artificial intelligence assistant made to use anyone from astronomers to casual stargazers while they look at the night sky. This tool operates from, a third-party independent platform.
Created in late 2023, Celestial Guide GPT provides guidance on stargazing locations and tines, educational resources, explanations of complex astronomical concepts, celestial event updates, and graphics accreditation to bring visual elements to enhance your understanding and appreciation of the world.
Whether you are proficient in all things astronomy or, like me, know nothing at all, there are plentiful options to learn about what's going on in the night sky above us. You're bound to find ways to locate and learn about your observations, celestial events and optimal stargazing time. Each tool helps enhance specific parts of your experience.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that Celestial Guide has a thoughtfully bright design, and its user interface is easy to learn and use.
I used Celestial Guide's library of tools to locate Venus -- a celestial symbol for love, beauty and fertility -- in the night sky as it reached peak magnitude in the middle of February. (Yes, this planet is connected to Valentine's Day.)
Did you ever believe there would be a time that humans could explore the sky without having the insight and knowledge of an astrophotographer? I admit I had never thought about it, but with the world of technology at our fingertips, it's great to know that you can access something without enrolling in an institution.
Celestial Guide was made to make the complex digestible, and that makes it a pretty accessible platform to navigate. With a core audience of amateur astronomers, educators and students and stargazing enthusiasts, I'd say Celestial Guide's structure provides you with storytelling, historical and culture lessons and the ability to explore the night sky without a telescope in hand.
And, with an influx of innovative applications and platforms that utilize augmented reality to watch and map the night sky, it's nice to see how artificial intelligence is the core component of Celestial Guide.
If you are someone who would like to either understand or appreciate the sky, learn more about star maps and constellations, this can be a great tool for using its AI-powered insights and assistance, especially at no extra cost.