



Mayday is an advanced scheduling tool that combines the traditional calendar with a to-do list and an AI-powered scheduling assistant. This integrated platform is tailored to enhance productivity by helping users organize, protect, and manage their daily schedules effectively. It leverages artificial intelligence to streamline the planning of tasks and appointments, ensuring that users make the most out of their valuable time.

How Mayday can help you:

  • Prioritize and organize your tasks and appointments efficiently.
  • Prevent time from being wasted, misspent, or encroached upon by others.
  • Streamline daily planning with AI-powered scheduling suggestions.
  • Integrate with a to-do list for better task management.

Why choose Mayday:

  • Unified calendar and to-do list interface.
  • AI assistance for intelligent scheduling decisions.
  • Protection against overbooking and overlapping events.
  • User-friendly design to enhance daily productivity.

Who should choose Mayday:

  • Professionals seeking improved time management.
  • Anyone looking to streamline their scheduling process.
  • Users requiring an efficient organizational tool to manage daily activities.

About MayDay

Release Date

February 9, 2024



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