



PDF Pals is an efficient, native macOS application that allows users to instantly engage with PDF documents through a chat interface. The tool uses AI to analyze documents—without needing to upload the files or worry about file size limitations. PDF Pals works with different API providers like OpenAI and Azure, supports OCR for scanned documents, is secure with Mac-only storage, and user-friendly with no in-app analytics. All data is stored in an easily-backupable local SQLite database.

How PDF Pals can help you:

  • Directly chat with PDFs to extract information quickly.
  • Supports both text-based and scanned documents with OCR.
  • Works locally on your Mac for enhanced security and speed.
  • Compatible with multiple AI API providers for flexible performance.
  • No need for large cumbersome applications; it's lightweight and efficient.

Why choose PDF Pals: Key features

  • Native and powerful without file size restrictions.
  • Flexible API support including OpenAI, Azure, and OpenRouter.
  • Smart OCR capabilities for complex document handling.
  • Secure processing with local file management and encrypted API key storage.
  • Privacy-focused with all training data stored on the local machine.
  • Enable easy data backup and management with a local SQLite database.

Who should choose PDF Pals:

  • Researchers and Academics: For digging into academic papers and extracting critical information.
  • Legal Professionals: For streamlining the review and analysis of legal documents.
  • Software Developers: For quick comprehension and information retrieval from technical documentation.

About Pdfpals

Release Date

February 9, 2024



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