

Contact for Pricing

Contact for Pricing

Plicanta accelerates your job search and relieves the stress of maintaining a resume.

How Plicanta can help you: 

  • Streamline your job application process by organizing job applications and deadlines. 
  • Automate the creation of cover letters tailored to each job description and your resume. 
  • Provide customizable templates and tools for professional-looking resumes and personal websites. 
  • Ensure the safety of your personal information with state-of-the-art encryption technology. 
  • Offer dedicated customer support for any platform-related queries or issues. 

Why choose Plicanta: Key features 

  • Application tracking for efficient job search organization. 
  • Automatic cover letter generation using job descriptions and personal resumes. 
  • Customizable templates for resumes and personal websites. 
  • High-level data encryption for user information security. 
  • Accessible customer support through email, phone, or live chat. 

Who should choose Plicanta:

  • Job seekers looking for an organized and efficient way to manage their applications. 
  • Individuals seeking to automate and personalize their job application materials. 
  • Users who prioritize the security of their personal data during the job search process. 
  • Anyone in need of support and resources for crafting professional and compelling resumes and cover letters. 

About Plicanta

Release Date

March 20, 2024


Contact for Pricing


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