


Paid allows website owners to gather valuable feedback directly from users. It can be easily integrated into any page by embedding the code and can be set to appear after the users have had some interaction with the product, ensuring relevant and contextual feedback. Unique in its approach, the tool distinguishes between positive and negative feedback; for negative comments, it solicits suggestions for improvement, while positive responses are converted into testimonials that website owners can approve before publishing, maintaining control over what is publicly displayed.

How can help you:

  • Collects user feedback efficiently through a seamlessly integrated widget
  • Converts positive user experiences into testimonials for marketing purposes
  • Provides insights into user satisfaction and potential areas for product improvement
  • Maintains control over testimonials published on your website

Why choose Key features

  • Easy to embed on any page where user interaction is substantial
  • Customizable appearance timing to suit user experience
  • Differential treatment of feedback leading to continuous product improvement and marketing content creation
  • Approval system for testimonials to ensure quality and relevance

Who should choose

  • Website owners seeking to enhance user engagement and gather actionable feedback
  • Product managers looking for real-time insights from actual users
  • Marketing professionals wanting to leverage positive user experiences as testimonials
  • Businesses aiming to fine-tune their offerings based on direct customer input



About ProductKit

Release Date

February 9, 2024




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