



Questgen is an AI-powered tool that is designed to simplify the process of generating questions and answer tasks from any content. It is aimed at revolutionizing academic as well as professional learning practices, by creating interactive quizzes, educational games, surveys and more.

How Questgen can help you: 

  • With the help of Questgen, you can turn any article, blog post, study material into a question-answer task. 
  • This tool is designed to save your time and energy by automating the generation of Q&A out of any content.

Why choose Questgen : key features: 

  • Key features of Questgen include Natural Language Processing for understanding complex sentences, ability to handle multiple formats of content and the generation of multi-format questions, among others. 
  • Its AI algorithms are trained on a variety of datasets, which ensures robustness, accuracy and reliability.

Who should choose Questgen :

  • Questgen can be a valuable tool for teachers, e-learning content creators, survey creators, researchers, and anyone who needs to generate question-answers from a piece of content for various purposes.

About Questgen

Release Date

February 9, 2024



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