



Superhuman is an innovative email solution that combines advanced AI technology with an intuitive interface to streamline email workflows. It's crafted specifically for teams that are looking to enhance productivity, offering powerful tools to manage Gmail or Outlook accounts more effectively. Users report saving up to 4 hours weekly, thanks to features that allow them to navigate their inboxes twice as fast, respond to critical emails swiftly, and alleviate the stress associated with email overload. With Superhuman, teams can refocus on pivotal tasks, expediting decision-making and elevating the quality of their communications.

How Superhuman can help you: 

  • Doubles the speed of managing emails, significantly increasing productivity.
  • Saves over 10 million hours per year collectively for teams.
  • Reduces stress by eliminating email anxiety.
  • Enhances responsiveness to important communications.
  • Retrieves valuable time for prioritizing essential tasks.
  • Automates email writing to save time. 
  • Facilitates timely follow-ups with automatic reminders. 
  • Allows snoozing emails for later to focus on immediate tasks. 
  • Tracks when emails are read for strategic follow-ups. 

Why choose Superhuman: Key features 

  • Blazingly fast email processing. 
  • AI-powered writing assistant. 
  • Priority inbox and split inboxes to focus on what matters. 
  • Follow-up reminders for never missing a task. 
  • Team collaboration tools like shared snippets and read statuses. 
  • Insights from social platforms for deeper connections. 
  • Calendar integration for seamless scheduling. 
  • Error correction to increase typing speed.
  • Designed for both Gmail and Outlook users.

Who should choose Superhuman:

  • Teams looking to improve productivity and email handling. 
  • Professionals needing to prioritize and respond to emails efficiently. 
  • Anyone wanting to reduce time spent on email management. 

About Superhuman

Release Date

February 16, 2024



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