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Vivid serves as a bridge between design and development by syncing Figma designs with the codebase. With Vivid, design changes in Figma are directly translated into code through automated pull requests. Developers can easily make functional or stylistic modifications to these generated elements, which can then be updated without losing custom edits whenever the design changes. Vivid offers a structured approach to handling styles and design variations, ensuring that developers can concentrate on coding the logic, while designers can maintain control over the aesthetics within Figma.

How Vivid can help you:

  • Transforms Figma designs into code automatically.
  • Handles design updates with ease, generating code that integrates changes while preserving developer edits.
  • Isolates design styles for cleaner, more focused development workflow.
  • Offers Figma-controlled, variant-aware styles that adapt to different props.
  • Provides a development-friendly approach by allowing style overwrites and functional enhancements.

Why choose Vivid:

  • Streamlines the design-to-development process.
  • Minimizes style clutter, allowing developers to concentrate on functionality.
  • Reflects design variations and updates in real-time within the code.
  • Creates a collaborative environment for both designers and developers.

Who should choose Vivid:

  • Development teams seeking to automate the integration of Figma designs into their workflow.
  • Designers who wish to ensure their design changes are accurately implemented in code.
  • Organizations aiming to enhance collaboration between design and development teams.

About Vivid

Release Date

February 9, 2024


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