How Wall Street Horizon can help you:
- Provides up-to-date earnings calendars and dividend dates.
- Offers insights into investor conferences, mergers and acquisitions.
- Helps financial professionals manage risk and volatility through accurate event data.
- Supports quantitative and quantamental trading with customizable data solutions.
Why choose Wall Street Horizon: Key features
- Covers 10,000 companies worldwide.
- Includes more than 40 types of corporate event data.
- Customizable data delivery formats including XML, API, and streaming feeds.
- Dedicated to providing accurate and timely event revisions.
Who should choose Wall Street Horizon:
- Institutional traders and investors looking for accurate corporate event data.
- Quantitative traders and researchers in need of comprehensive event databases.
- Risk and compliance managers seeking to mitigate volatility risks.
- Academic researchers focusing on financial markets and corporate events analysis.