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YData offers an innovative platform designed to enhance data quality and streamline the process of preparing datasets for AI projects. By leveraging synthetic data generation and automated data profiling, YData empowers data scientists and businesses to unlock the full potential of their data, leading to measurable improvements in AI model performance.

How YData can help you: 

  • Improve data quality through automated profiling and synthetic data generation. 
  • Accelerate AI model development with better, more reliable data. 
  • Orchestrate scalable and iterative data preparation flows efficiently. 
  • Enable faster, compliant access to sensitive data across the organization. 

Why choose YData: Key features 

  • Comprehensive data-centric AI platform for structured data. 
  • Flexible infrastructure with Kubernetes-native solution. 
  • Generative AI technology for unlocking data sharing while boosting machine learning performance. 
  • Experimentation at scale with no learning curve required.

Who should choose YData:

  • Data scientists looking to improve productivity and model performance. 
  • Business managers seeking to optimize resource allocation and ROI in AI projects. 
  • Organizations aiming to accelerate time-to-market for AI solutions while ensuring data compliance. 
  • Teams who require scalable, easy-to-use platforms for developing AI with no infrastructure work required. 

About YData

Release Date

March 20, 2024


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