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A comprehensive DMARC analyzer and monitoring service designed to enhance email security and protect against spoofing and phishing attacks.

How PowerDMARC can help you: 

  • Prevents hackers from sending emails from your domain. 
  • Protects your organization's reputation by stopping spoofed emails. 
  • Improves email reach, trust, and deliverability by ensuring legitimacy. 

Why choose PowerDMARC: Key features 

  • Comprehensive DMARC analysis and monitoring. 
  • PowerSPF, PowerBIMI, PowerMTA-STS, and PowerTLS-RPT for enhanced email authentication. 
  • Reputation monitoring and PowerAlerts for real-time protection. 
  • API documentation and managed services for ease of use. 

Who should choose PowerDMARC:

  • Organizations looking to safeguard their email domain from spoofing and phishing. 
  • Businesses aiming to improve their email deliverability and protect their brand reputation. 
  • Companies utilizing Office365, Google Mail GSuite, or Zimbra seeking dedicated DMARC protection. 

About PowerDMARC

Release Date

March 20, 2024


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