



Designed specifically for freelancers on Upwork, the AI-powered Upwork Proposals Generator extension helps users create tailored proposals quickly and easily. Driven by AI, this tool understands a freelancer's profile and the job postings, generating interest-catching proposals. Developed by a high-ranking Upwork freelancer, it focuses on delivering quality, speed, and an increased number of proposals, offering a competitive edge. With its free trial, freelancers can start using the tool without any initial investment.

How Proposals Generator can help you:

  • Creates unique, customized proposals in one click.
  • Saves time by generating proposals quickly (30 to 180 seconds depending on the chosen AI version).
  • Enhances proposal quality with tailored content and persuasive language.
  • Increases submission quantity, essential for success on Upwork's competitive platform.
  • Offers a free trial, making it accessible without upfront payment.

Why choose Proposals Generator : Key features

  • Fast proposal creation with AI assistance.
  • High-quality, tailored proposals that stand out.
  • Capability to include local references, client's language greetings, and emojis.
  • Advanced customization available for professional, friendly, or humorous tones.
  • Multi-lingual support to match the style and tone of potential clients.

Who should choose Proposals Generator :

  • Both new and experienced freelancers on Upwork.
  • Users who want to submit a high volume of proposals quickly and efficiently.
  • Freelancers seeking to upgrade their proposal quality without excessive time investment.
  • Individuals looking for a cost-effective tool with potential savings through price adjustments.
  • Those desiring an easy-to-use solution with step-by-step tutorials and responsive support.

About Proposalsgenerator

Release Date

February 9, 2024




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