Let's say you're writing an email, text message, or document on your mobile device, and you're having trouble finding the right words. You can always hop out of your draft and enlist the help of Microsoft Copilot or ChatGPT to help you compose your thoughts. But why go to that trouble when you can access AI right from the keyboard on your phone? Third-party keyboards like Wordtune, Microsoft SwiftKey, and Grammarly use artificial intelligence to help write or rewrite text based on your description. Here's how to use them.
Wordtune can create or rewrite text based on a description of what you need and how you want it written or edited. It can be used on the web or in Microsoft Word as an Add-in, though the iOS app may be the most convenient option.
The free version offers basic and limited rewriting. For unlimited rewrites and text corrections, you'll have to upgrade to the Premium plan at $24.99 a month or $119.99 a year. The yearly subscription offers a free one-week trial so you can try before you buy.
To get started, install the Wordtune app on your iPhone. Open the app and you'll be prompted to sign up or sign in. Choose the type of account you want to use. You'll then be asked how you want to use Wordtune and what you want to achieve. Respond to each screen of questions. You can then choose the subscription you want or skip it and just get the basic features.
To enable Wordtune, go to Settings > Apps > Wordtune. Tap Keyboards and turn on the switches for Wordtune and Allow Full Access.
Open the app in which you want to write something, such as Mail. Then press down on the globe icon in the lower left of the current keyboard and change it to Wordtune.
To generate text with Wordtune, tap the Wordtune icon above the keyboard, then tap Create. You'll be prompted to log in if you're not already signed in. At the prompt to tell Wordtune what to write, type a description of the content you need and then tap Go on the keyboard.
In response, Wordtune generates a draft of the text you're seeking. Tap the text to add it to your email. You can then tap in the text and rewrite it to personalize it.
If you don't like the draft or want to rewriting existing text, select the text you want to revise. Tap the Wordtune icon and select Rewrite. Each rewritten sentence appears at the bottom. Tap the right and left arrow move from one sentence to another. Among the various choices at the bottom, tap any that you want to add to your text. When done, Wordtune tells you that you've completed a successful rewrite.
Further, tap the General icon while in Rewrite mode. You can then choose among four different styles -- Casual, Formal, Shorten, or Expand. Select a specific style to see how it revises your text.
Using Wordtune, you can also generate a response to an email or text message you've received. To try this in Mail, open an email from your inbox and tap the Reply icon. Tap the Wordtune icon and select Replay email. Tap Activate to get suggestions for a reply. After scanning the text in the email, Wordtune displays a few potential actions you can take in a response. Select the one you prefer.
Microsoft SwiftKey
Available for iOS/iPadOS and Android, Microsoft SwiftKey is a free AI keyboard that still has a few tricks up its sleeve. SwiftKey used to include an integrated search, AI chat, and generative AI to help you write or rewrite text. Since the introduction of Copilot, Microsoft now steers you to the Copilot app to compose a new mail, message, or other item. However, you can still get help rewriting text directly from the keyboard.
Download and install the app from Google Play for Android or Apple's App Store for an iPhone or iPad. Open the app, then tap the Get Started button.
On an iPhone or iPad, sign in with a Microsoft account. You may be asked if you want to receive notifications about tips and updates from SwiftKey. Tap Not now or Sure. You're then asked if you want to share data about what you type. You can answer No or Yes but answering No won't provide full access to all the features.
On Android, you're prompted to first enable SwiftKey. To do this, tap the Enable SwiftKey button. At the On-screen keyboard screen, turn on the switch for Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard. Next, tap Select SwiftKey and choose Microsoft SwiftKey keyboard as the input method.
Open an app in which you want to write text. Mail is always a good example. On an Android device, tap the keyboard icon in the lower right and set it to Microsoft SwiftKey Keyboard if it's not already set. On an iPhone or iPad, press down on the globe icon and set the keyboard to SwiftKey.
Tap the Copilot icon on the toolbar above the keyboard. On an iPhone, tap Compose if you wish to write a new email or text from scratch. Tap the link to open the Copilot app. From Copilot, you can then submit your request, copy the resulting draft, and go back to your email to paste the text.
On an iPhone, you can also add text that you want rewritten. From the SwiftKey toolbar, tap Tone. In the prompt, add the text you want rewritten and then tap the right arrow. Swipe through the drafts of the different tones, including professional, casual, polite, funny, social post, and witty. Tap Accept to add it to your email.
On an Android device, tap Editor at the SwiftKey toolbar. In the body of the email, swipe your finger to the right at the notice that says: "Help me write. Swipe." Type a description of the content you want and then tap Create. After the draft appears, tap Insert and you can then revise and personalize the text.
On Android, you can also use the Tone option to revise text. In the body of the email, type a few words based on the content you want created. Tap the Tone icon on the SwiftKey toolbar. Just like on an iPhone, you can then swipe through the different tones. When you find the one you like best, tap Accept to insert it into your email.
Grammarly has a keyboard app for iOS and Android that offers grammar and spelling corrections, as well as advice as you write emails, texts, social media posts, documents, and other content.
The free version provides basic writing suggestions and tone detection with up to 100 prompts per month. A Premium plan starting at $12 a month kicks in more options for analyzing and rewriting your text and allows up to 2,000 prompts per month.
Install and open the Grammarly app, and you'll be prompted to create a free account. To set up the keyboard on an iPhone or iPad, go to Settings > Grammarly. Tap the option for Keyboards and turn on the switches for Grammarly and Allow Full Access.
On an Android device, tap Add Grammarly Keyboard. At the On-screen keyboard screen, turn on the switch for Grammarly, then tap Switch Input Method and select Grammarly.
Open the app in which you want to type text. After typing your initial draft, press down on the keyboard icon and select Grammarly. Tap the G icon, and Grammarly should segue into Revision mode to review your text and flag anything it considers an issue. For each flag, tap Accept to accept the suggestion or Dismiss to ignore it and move to the next one.
The free version of Grammarly may limit the number of corrections and suggestions for a single piece of content in one session. To get a little more usage out of the app without having to pay up, switch the keyboard back to your regular one, then select Grammarly again. You can then run the check to see if additional issues are discovered. You're also able to select specific text, and Grammarly will offer to correct it if it detects an issue.